Thursday, February 26, 2009

Focus on Learning or Experience?

I have certainly been aware, while out in the business world, that how the environment is designed has some bearing on how I feel there, but it has been in a vague, indirect way. I think I am less cognizant of it when the surroundings are more neutral. When a building is blatantly artistic in it's design so as to be beautiful or so badly done it's just plain ugly, I notice it more. I think maybe the most effective design is the one that is designed to effect you without you noticing it.

Good education is like that, too. When you create an environment that is safe and fun, with lessons and activities that engage students, and meaningful connections to the real world, students learn because they are not focused on the "learning", but rather on the experience. Especially as kids get older, they become programmed to think that school is boring or not fun. When we create an atmosphere in which they are truly enjoying themselves, these are the things they remember and take with them as positive and significant.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the classroom environment being very important to the learning process. Having lessons that really engage the students so much that we forget about the clock is an amazing thing! I think that these moments are why I got into this profession in the first place.

    Hey, nice look to your blog!
