Thursday, March 5, 2009

Every Corner

I think music is one of the most powerful forms of art. It defines cultural boundaries, inspires nations to patriotism, calls people to worship, organizes political protests, teaches children, has theraputic value in medicine, signals soldiers to rise for battle, mourns the dead, and celebrates life, love, and all that is good. In my opinion, no other art form has wielded any where near the same degree of social influence so consistently in every corner of the world.

Music itself has multiple uses in the educational environment. It's potential for teaching and learning crosses all academic fields of study. This one fact alone is reason enough for us, as educators, to carefully consider what it is about music that makes it so universally compelling and so powerfully able to impact every area of life.


  1. I completely agree, and I think if we can also tap into what makes music itself compelling to our students, and draw upon that, then we have a great opportunity to build a bridge.

  2. I do agree, son, I hope that in some way my love of music and humble musicle abilities helped you
